Valikko Sulje

Psychology of language


  1. a. saccade and its use in reading
    b. narrative emotions
    c. neuronal recycling hypothesis
    d. cascading processing
    e. phoneme restoration effect
    f. procedural deficit hypothesis
    g. segmentation problem in speech perception
    h. garden path sentences and their use
    i. documents model
    j. linguistic universals
  2. What evidence has been brought out to support the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?
  3. Discuss the evidence supporting a critical period for language acquisition.


Tentaattori: Hyönä

1. Define/Describe briefly (in 1-3 sentences) the following concepts/phenomena:
a) Phonological awareness
b) Procedural deficit hypothesis
c) Cascade model
d) Attachment preference
e) Homophone effect
f) Nim Chimpsky
g) Neuronal recycling hypothesis
h) Bootstrapping

2. How do we overcome potential problems in speech recognition?

3. Eye movements in reading.


Tentaattori: Hyönä

1. Explain

a) saccadic suppression

b) pure alexia

c) categorical perception (in spoken word recognition)

d) embodied view of language

e) shallow orthography

f) Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

g) knowledge transformation in writing

h) garden-path sentence

i) neuronal recycling hypothesis (Dehaene)

2. In what ways is printed word recognition a hierarhical and interactive (bottom-up + top-down) process?

3. Cognitive processes involved in comprehending irony.


Tentaattori: Hyönä

1. Explain:

9 käsitteenmäärittelyä.

2. Sapir-Whorf -hypoteesi

3. Sanantunnistus: miten hierarkista ja seriaalista (top-down + bottom-up)


Tentaattorit: Hyönä & Kaakinen

1. What is the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis? Evidence in favour and against it?

2. In what sense is the written word perception a hierarchical and interactive process?